• Camelot has worked with:

    It’s a long list, but it includes a bunch of your favorite elected officials… and Senator Elizabeth Warren.

  • What do we do?

    If it’s part of a political campaign, it’s part of what we do.

  • How do we help you win?

    Good campaigns allow candidates to focus on the most important aspects of winning an election. We can help with all the rest.

Why Camelot

Our goals are embodied by the spirit of the aspirational “Camelot” years of John F. Kennedy’s presidency, a time of hope, optimism, grace and fortitude. As President Kennedy said, “A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.” At Camelot we are committed to shining the beacon for progressive ideals to build a better Oklahoma for generations to come.

What We Do


Camelot is run by campaign professionals who have decades of combined experience in raising money for candidates, non-profits, and issue campaigns. We've helped raise more money for campaigns than any other Democratic consulting firm in Oklahoma.

Planing & Management

We can develop fundraising plans and cash flow projections to meet the financial needs of any campaign, no matter how big or small.


We work directly with the campaign to perfect a message and strategy which can raise as much as the campaign might need. We can also train campaign staff on fundraising best practices so campaigns can keep their fundraising efforts going every day of the campaign.


Dialing for dollars is still the most effective way to raise money, even in the twenty-first century. We have a donor database in the tens-of-thousands, so you'll never run out of numbers to call and potential donors to reach out to.


We will provide all the resources you might need for email and phone solicitation, writing targeted direct mail appeals, tracking, and follow-up. This includes fundraising emails, letters, and collateral materials.

Event Planning

We can help your campaign plan and coordinate both small and large events from the design of invitations, steering committee development, and logistical arrangements, to phone banking targeted calls and pledge follow-up.

Branding & Messaging

A campaign's only product is its brand, which makes brand integrity the most important foundation upon which everything else is laid.


Our expertise in marketing, branding, and political advocacy enables us to produce inspired print and digital media. Our in-house creative model ensures consistency across all platforms.

Print Media & Direct Mail

Our team has experience in designing hundreds of print marketing pieces. From push cards for door-to-door voter contact to direct mail, we can develop pieces that can inspire just about any target group.

Digital Media & Web Development

Our goal is to integrate the web into every part of your organization. We have the experience in leveraging the right combination of strategy, creative, and targeting to effectively engage key audiences.

Social Media

Working as a key member of your team, we’ll help you create great content to build and optimize your social media presence so that your supporters can easily share it with the people they care about.

Field Strategy

Door-to-door voter contact is how we win elections. Ensuring that you know how, who, and when to contact is key to claiming victory on election day.

Paving the Way

Every good field strategy requires planning from announcement to election day. We work with you to build a strategy on how to determine your win number and then reach that goal.

Data and Microtargeting

We use the latest techniques, tools, and strategies to make data-driven decisions for everything we do. Elections very often come down to the last, critical voters and our data management and micro-targeting experience ensures you’re talking to the right people, in the right places, and at the right time.

Building the Army

Winning an election comes down to effectively reaching more voters who will support you than your opponent. We can help you build your army and inspire supporters to help deliver your message far and wide.